ENERGY STAR has developed a number of tools for procurement professionals including a cost savings calculator (life cycle cost estimator) for a full range of appliances, office products, building products, etc. In addition this web site provides a number of business case studies outlining the key benefits of purchasing ENERGY STAR qualified products and provides sample procurement language for various products.
Click here to access the ENERGY STAR Cost Savings Calculator.
ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager is an online tool you can use to measure and track energy and water consumption, as well as greenhouse gas emissions. Use it to benchmark the performance of one building or a whole portfolio of buildings, all in a secure online environment.
Click here to access ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager
The Electronics Environmental Benefits Calculator (EEBC) was developed by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to assist organizations in estimating the environmental and economic benefits of "greening" the purchase, use and disposal of electronics. This calculator estimates the benefits of purchasing EPEAT-registered products; making improvements in operation of electronic equipment and; proper end-of-life management of electronics (e.g. reuse, donate, and recycle).
Click here to access the Electronics Environmental Benefits Calculator.
This Paper Calculator is based upon an analytical model originally developed by the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) in concert with the Paper Task Force to support purchasing environmentally preferable paper. The Paper Calculator is an innovative tool that allows users to calculate and compare the environmental impacts of different paper choices. Use it to quantify the impacts of your paper usage, and to compare different grades and types of paper with varying amounts of recycled content.
Click here to access EPN's Paper Calculator.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has created WARM to help organizations track and voluntarily report greenhouse gas emissions reductions, and energy savings from several different waste management practices. WARM calculates greenhouse gas (GHG) emisions for baseline and alternative waste management practices including source reduction, recycling, compositing, and landfilling. It is an excellent tool to help purchasers outline the environmental benefits of various waste minimization intitiatives and supports the acquisition of various composting and recycling services.
For more information on the WARM model, click here.
This calculator demonstrates that environmentally and socially responsible food waste management is cost-effective for many facilities such as universities, hospitals, prisons, cafterias, schools. The more you know about your current waste management costs, the more accurate the calculator’s estimate will be, but default values are provided for many variables.
Click here to access the Food Waste Management Cost Calculator.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency endorses several water savings calculators for commercial buildings. The calculator measures both water consumption and water savings realized from installing efficient fixtures.
Click here to access the Commercial Water Savings Calculator.
Purchasing correctly sized bags for waste bins can reduce environmental impact and costs associated with waste management. The calculator below recommends which bag sizes to purchase according to the dimensions of your waste bins.
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